Transport for NSW
Yeah, nah. Changing attitudes, saving lives.
In regional NSW, male drivers aged 30-54 years were at the highest risk of an accident or fatality on the road. Over-confident and firmly believing their driving behaviours were anything other than competent, we needed to encourage drivers to reappraise their everyday attitudes, and provide a simple and immediate solution to encourage a change in behaviour.
Complacency on the roads is a killer. Too often complacency leads drivers to say “yes” in seemingly low-risk moments when they should be saying “no”. Our strategy was to demonstrate to drivers how easy and impactful it is to reconsider what we termed ‘risk denial’. This led us to prompt drivers to turn everyday, risk friendly “yeahs” into life saving “nahs” on the streets of regional NSW.
By combining familiar risk scenarios with the widely used “Yeah…nah” vernacular, our campaign set out to make the issue of risk-denial front of mind, making the “yeah…nah” decision the default decision on the road.
Transport for NSW
Yeah, nah.
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