
Creating chemistry within a community

Landcom and Sydney Metro were developing government owned land surrounding the new Metro North West Line stations. As part of their Creative Connections program, Landcom worked with The Story Factory to engage local students in creative writing workshops to gather community perspectives on the idea of transformation and change occurring in Northwest Sydney and the world around us. Our challenge was to develop a series of creative artworks that integrate selected excerpts from the students’ creative writing pieces which help to create a sense of pride and connection to place within the community.

Adopting a typography led approach to highlight and hero the creative writing excerpts of the students, we engaged Northwest Sydney born illustrator Dave Coleman to collaborate on our vision. Dave’s personal connection to Northwest Sydney contributed to the expression and interpretation of the chosen story elements and how we brought them to life through typography and illustration.

Together with Dave Coleman, we established a playful, bold, and vibrant artwork style which incorporated hand-drawn typography, whimsical illustrations, and eye-catching colour combinations to hero the creative writing expressions of the students. Through illustration, we were able to interject personality, character, energy, and diversity into the artworks which the community can resonate with to form a sense of pride and ownership of the places where they live, work, and play.

The artwork series has been installed as a set of 20m repeated hoardings surrounding the Metro North West Line stations in September 2023 and will be rolled out across digital communications.

AGDA Awards 2023 – Design Crafts, Illustration for Design: Finalist.


  • Landcom


  • Northwest Places


  • Government

  • Brand Design


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