When you take water, what are you really taking?
As The Natural Resource Access Regulator (NRAR) closed in on their third year of operation, a 2020 Benchmarking survey found that less than 20% of the regulated community and 26% of the general public are aware of NRAR.
The task was to create awareness of NRAR, with a primary objective to instigate behavioural change among the regulated community to increase voluntary compliance. We needed to show that NRAR ensures regulated entities have no excuse not to follow the water rules. Rather that policing, we would encourage & enable by tapping into the genuine sense of “fairness” that exists within communities. This shift would reframe NRAR from reactive to proactive.
Our campaign aimed to ask people the question, ‘When you take water above your allocation, what are you really taking?’ By leveraging a positive and authentic voice, coming from the perspective of the community, not NRAR themselves, the real impact of water theft is more felt. We created two films, featuring stories told from the perspective of a farmer and an indigenous elder.
The long form emotional pieces, along with a series of shorter bespoke assets were promoted through social and catch-up TV. Results: With 2.4m impressions. 69K goal. Completions 271%. We outperformed the CTR by 271%.
Water Regulation
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